The energy fight in the future – LED stadium lights
Anti glare led stadium light for the training sport field high mast lights energy saving high power flood light factory
LED revolution is coming
Countries around the world that depend on Chinese manufacturing are in turmoil as the Chinese government has announced that it will restrict electricity consumption at manufacturing plants. This is the beginning of an energy deficit warning. Germany then announced that it would start shutting down some of its nuclear plants, and that it would shut down all of the country’s nuclear plants by 2022. European countries are also beginning to declare an energy panic. The world’s developed countries began to unite to implement low-carbon policies.
If you don’t see the full story here, let’s keep it simple: until new clean and efficient technologies are available, we’re going to have to deal with limited access to electricity, and the price of electricity is going to get more expensive.
But our evening sports activities will slowly resume as the epidemic slows down, and more and more new venues will be built. At this point, the problem comes. If we continue to use inefficient traditional lamps on the site, we will not only fail to obtain good sports experience, but also need to pay high electricity bills to maintain it.
So the future energy war, the replacement and use of LED stadium lights will be a revolution. Green Light LED, based on 15 years of experience in the stadium lighting industry, will provide you with the best solution. [email protected].
Solutions to light pollution
Playgrounds used to be located outside the city, but as the city has grown, many playgrounds are now located in the middle of residential areas near the People’s Garden. Sports are becoming very popular. Dozens of artificial turf courts pop up all over the place each year, and clubs want to play late into the night. As a result, neighbors’ complaints about bright lights have grown in recent years.
Some municipalities have tried to implement rules for when stadium lights are on, and even with rules for brightness levels, neighbors are still bothered by the lights, and it’s hard to find a solution that works for everyone. Senior researchers at Green Light LED found a solution. The invention of new LED technology has managed to create a whole new type of lens that ensures light only touches the scene and consumes less power.
Previously, it was not possible to use energy-efficient LED technology on sports fields because LED cannot only illuminate the field when mounted on high masts. Fortunately, we have now solved this problem, so the lens can now not only reduce light pollution, but also reduce power consumption. The lens is made of a piece of acrylic and is placed in front of LED. Acrylic sheets ensure that the light focuses on the field. In fact, the new lenses are very effective, reducing light pollution by 90% and energy consumption by 48%.
LED stadium lights have a longer lifespan.
LED last an average of 50,000 hours, compared with about 1,000 to 3,000 hours for older halogen bulbs. The fact that the bulbs last as long as they do is a big advantage, as it is very difficult to replace them on an 18m mast. With the use of led, such maintenance work will be greatly reduced. It will save a lot of cost for later operation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you also have a site project that requires a Stadium light system.Because you will be getting world-class stadium lighting and service at a very substantial cost.[email protected].